Meet John our latest therapist to join the team.
Graduating from Tighes Hill TAFE with his diploma of remedial massage.
He is into fitness, health, mindfulness & wellbeing.
Having a true passion for problem solving and helping people, John has worked
in the mining industries & as a Personal trainer/Cross Fit Coach.
Becoming interested in remedial massage in 2005 to understand & fix his own
mobility issues & to help family & friends.
Muscle tensions can be caused by a physically overworked body and mental
stresses from daily life. These tensions can be relieved by a combination of
remedial massage, trigger point and deep tissue releasing techniques. By
releasing the muscles surrounding the nerve patterns in the shoulders, hips &
spinal cord creates freedom in the whole body.
Treating clients and overcoming my own sporting injuries has given me a deeper
understanding and level of compassion, while helping my clients maintain their
own physical wellbeing.